Animal personality

The idea of personality and morality in animals is wildly fascinating to me, so I read very carefully through the introduction of the first social play behavior article where he talked about the difficulties with this kind of research. For me it is hard to read about studying animals for clues to the past in human social behavior and not personifying their behaviors. For example, when Bekoff said that social carnivores behavior and organization resemble early hominids I pictures I saw in my head an image of a coyote rocking a baby in a bassinet and reading a book on parenting.
I especially liked how he suggested that social play has benefits like teaching young how hard they can bite and how to resolve conflicts. I also agree that research on social cooperation is needed. I think it would help give more of a whole picture of how animals interact, although it seems like it would be more difficult than researching competition because many aspects of cooperation may be less obvious.
When he talked about neurological bases of sharing intentions it reminded me of how we talked about certain actions (like teeth baring) are signs of aggression, but also warnings.  Through this action you can understand kind of what they are thinking enough to know how to proceed, probably based on past experiences when you or another animal behaved similarly.
In the behavioral syndromes article when Sih talked about how some species are more aggressive at a base level which could be maladaptive in certain situations, I wondered if this variation could be mainly due to experience or biology and if research on this could lead to breakthroughs in how we understand human behavior such as abuse and people with tendencies for crime.


  1. I enjoyed reading your post and especially the last paragraph about whether aggression is biological. And actually, studies have shown that aggressive behavior is linked to low levels of MAOAs, which is controlled by a specific gene. So, there is at least some evidence for a biological basis to aggression. Not to say that experience doesn't play a role.

  2. I like your ideas of expanding research concerning the Sih article. I never thought to relate it to humans being overly and unnecessarily aggressive, but that's genius!


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