What I actually learned from Comparative Psychology
I was mostly right about what I would learn in Comparative Psychology. I do feel like I anthropomorphize animal behavior less and I have a better understanding of what types of conclusions are okay to draw from observation and what types are not. I expected to learn more about how animals and humans are the same and different than I did. I mean, I suppose anything you learn about an animal could be compared to the knowledge you already posses about humans, but I expected more of what we read about to compare animals to humans directly. I didn't expect to have a better understanding of what language is and how it is different from simple communication, but I do.
I learned less about specific animal research methods than I expected to, but I learned more about individual research projects which I honesty prefer. I learned about the three R's, and not the recycling ones either. The three R's of research help people working with animal subjects to lessen the disturbances and pain caused. The first R, replacement, tells researchers to use computer modeling, videotapes, or other things in place of animals if possible. The second R, reduction, tells them to use as few subjects as they can, and the last, refinement, is all about minimizing the actual pain the animal subjects feel by refining your techniques.
I learned A LOT about animal communication. It seemed like even the chapters that weren't specifically over animal communication were mostly about communication. Verbal communication I expected verbal to be my favorite because it can travel the farthest, but after seeing the peacocks at the zoo I think visual communication is my favorite. Sorry chemical signals, you're super neat, but visual signals are way more apparent to my human senses.
I also learned lots about mating, and social behavior. Who knew monogamy had different types. Also I didn't expect that animals ability to get food and resources had so much to do with mating. But on to the important stuff...

Katey's beautiful face let me adopt one of her sister's kittens and he is the most perfect cat. I will show you all strictly in the interest of furthering your knowledge.
His name is Ether (like the universal medium, not the anesthetic) and he is already spoiled.
He has his very own cardboard box and he loves it.
Husband loves the cat already.
I learned less about specific animal research methods than I expected to, but I learned more about individual research projects which I honesty prefer. I learned about the three R's, and not the recycling ones either. The three R's of research help people working with animal subjects to lessen the disturbances and pain caused. The first R, replacement, tells researchers to use computer modeling, videotapes, or other things in place of animals if possible. The second R, reduction, tells them to use as few subjects as they can, and the last, refinement, is all about minimizing the actual pain the animal subjects feel by refining your techniques.
I learned A LOT about animal communication. It seemed like even the chapters that weren't specifically over animal communication were mostly about communication. Verbal communication I expected verbal to be my favorite because it can travel the farthest, but after seeing the peacocks at the zoo I think visual communication is my favorite. Sorry chemical signals, you're super neat, but visual signals are way more apparent to my human senses.
I also learned lots about mating, and social behavior. Who knew monogamy had different types. Also I didn't expect that animals ability to get food and resources had so much to do with mating. But on to the important stuff...

His name is Ether (like the universal medium, not the anesthetic) and he is already spoiled.
He has his very own cardboard box and he loves it.
Husband loves the cat already.
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